Helpful Websites & Apps

Also check out my school webpage!

I make several Prezi's throughout the year. You can find these presentations by googling "Kristy Woody Prezi". You can also click here and scroll down to see "More Presentations by Kristy Woody". 

General Websites

Electricity and Circuits:


Ocean Motion:

Ocean and Wind Currents 

Ocean Motion and Surface Currents

Moon Phases:

Biomes & Ecosystems


Here is a great presentation on the Scientific Method

1. Once you click on the link above, click on the "Grade" drop down menu and change to 6.
2. Click the "Subject" drop down menu to change the subject to Science.
3. Keep the Year and Program on "All"
4. Hit "Go" on the left.

There are 12 practice tests for 6th grade science. We will be referring to this site more often in the Spring; however, taking a look at it now will give you an idea of what to expect on the TCAP in April.